Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Love these great reminders

I read these two paragraphs today and wanted to remember them:

God, I know I ask so many questions.  It's because being a mom is the toughest priviledge I've ever loved.  I don't want to mess this up!  So I simply offer my willingness to be a great mom today.  That's all I have to give.  I trust You to fill in the gaps and give me the wisdom, patience, and discernment that will be required of me.  I love this child I call my own, but in reality this child is Yours first and You know them best.  Thank You for the honor to join You on this journey of walking this precious person toward phsyical, emotional, and spiritual maturity.   

I also loved:

When you aren't depending on your husband to fill you up, then he can make mistakes and you are still okay.  He can say the wrong thing, and you can forgive him quickly.  He can struggle and question his direction, and you don't fall into despair.  He can be your partner and your friend, because he does not have to be your Savior.  When you are living in the fullness of Christ, your children are being sloshed with His grace and tenderness...They can disappoint you and not bear the scars of your pride and your pain.  They can grow up to be vibrant, independent-thinking, loving adults because they did not have to be your Savior.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mommy & Me Preschool!

Today, Connor and I started 'You & Me Preschool' at BUMPS in Brea.  It far exceeded my expectations of learning, exploring, playing, and socializing, and Connor absolutely loved it!  I loved the organization abilities of the teacher and her nice, extremely patient attitude!  Teaching and interacting with 2 year olds can be tough!   

Connor was very excited to go to "preschool" and loved everything from packing his sippy cup in his backpack to arriving and hugging his teacher.  He was able to play with a variety of toys; from trains, to animals, baby dolls, tools, painting, puzzles, trucks, doctor kits, blocks, etc.  As he roamed the classroom playing he just got more excited and more involved.  The kids were then gathered in a circle for music time where there teacher, Miss Kathy, sang songs with a guitar and then dismissed everyone to outside play. 

There outside area is even more amazing and I am so proud of Connor for telling me he needed to go potty in the midst of all the action!  (because I forgot a pull-up and/or extra clothes in case of an accident!)  Outside they have play houses, swings, playgrounds, sand boxes, water play....pretty much a kids dream!

After outside play all the kids sat at the table to snack time and scarfed down goldfish, bananas, yogurt, and pretzels!  All the playing definitely made them hungry.  After snack we got to play with a parachute and the kids got to pretend they were "ponies" and gallup around.  Haha-  This was definitely one of Connor's highlights of the day!  I think he's still pretending to be a pony.
I'm so happy that we decided to do this program.  It's once a week for 2 1/2 hours (which is kind of exhausting for Mom!) and gives Connor such a great jump on sharing, learning, and playing in a group!  Great job Connor! :)  <3

2 years and 2 months


Awesome playhouse at BUMPS

Busy, busy!

A child's work is PLAY!