So I took his challenge to write down one thing I was thankful for each day for 30 days.  I chose to write down one thing I was thankful that Sean did each day, because I definitely do not praise him enough! And this is good way to start.  Each little thing made my day better, easier, or more fun.  It was actually hard to write down just one thing!  And after a few days I really started noticing the positives, instead of the negatives.  It's a great switch in perspective and I definitely want to keep it going.
30 Days of Being Thankful for Sean!
1) Thankful that Sean had coffee with me this morning on our patio at 6am when he didn't have to get up till 7am.  2) Thankful that Sean and I have fun together~ Fun Disneyland date, and listening to music together in the car!  3) Thankful that Sean got up in the middle of the night to get me Tylenol because I had a headache and was scared to go into the kitchen!  4) Thankful that Sean gave Connor dinner and a bath so I could help a friend make tissue balls for a B-Day party.  5) Thankful Sean fed our dog in the morning before he barked.  6) Thankful Sean made me laugh and watched American Idol and Teen Mom with me!  7) Thankful Sean melted cheese on wheat thins and shared them.  8) Thankful Sean likes his job and gets so excited about closing deals and telling stories.  9) Thankful for Sean making me laugh about how I love Nordstroms and Shampoo.  10) Thankful Sean was sweet to me when I kind of cried dropping him off at the airport to go on a business trip.  11) Thankful Sean called me at 6am to make sure I was awake to go Nanny!  12) Thankful Sean is outta town so he can't see how messy our house is.  13) Thankful Connor looks just like his Dad.  14) Thankful that I went to bed early and finished reading my book.  15) Thankful Sean is coming home tonight!  16) Thankful that Sean, Connor, and I ate breakfast in bed together!  17) Thankful Sean let me sleep in while he gave Connor breakfast.  18) Thankful we all went into our jacuzzi after dinner tonight.  19) Thankful Sean cleaned the living room.  20) Thankful Sean likes country music!  21) Thankful I got to surprise Sean with a painted bathroom.  22) Thankful for a glass of wine and the jacuzzi with Sean.  23) Thankful Sean rented the movie Courageous.  24) Thankful we went to Church as a family.  25) Thankful Sean is such a good Dad and loves being involved.  26) Thankful Sean is so helpful when Connor is sick.  27) Thankful we went to the laundrymat together and did 7 loads of laundry!  28) Thankful Sean loves my family.  29) Thankful Sean went with me to take Connor to the doctor.  30)  Thankful Sean won an iPad at work!  He deserves it!
Disneyland Date Night

Dog Beach

3 generations of great men!

Cooling off
After doing this I realize that the cliches are actually true and being thankful for the little things is strangely therapeutic, especially on difficult days.
So today, I’m thankful!  For my family and great friends and my messy house.